CRF Chunker for NLTK

The cournerstone of any natural language understanding system is NLP algorithms. The classical set of algorithms constitutes an NLP ptocessing pipeline:


Limitations of syntactic approaches:

Information Theoretic Approach to Classification

Logistic regression is the simplest form of classification. We all know that the cost function is the cross entropy loss. But why?

Consider the task of classification, where you solve a problem of mapping a set of features \(X\) to a target label \(y\), so that \(C(X)=y\), where \(C\) is your classification function. Now, it is highly possible that your set of features does not provide a perfect explanation of the target class, and thus you may find several data samples that are identical, but have different class labels, i.e. \(X_1=X_2, C(X_1)=y_1, C(X_2)=y_2\). This is usually called “noisy data”. The process of training a model condescends to finding a function \(C\) that classifies correctly, but what is the measure of correctness, especially in the presence of the noise?


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