Simple Text indexer With Spark

The goal is to implement a naive text indexer and document retriever. These modules are often found in search engines. Conceptually, search engines were the first who tackled the problem of Big Data with the constraint of low latency response. Imagine an average search engine that has millions of documents in its index. Every second it receives hundreds to thousands of queries and requires to produce a list of the most relevant documents at sub-millisecond speed.

Spark Recommender System

The goal of this task is to finalize the implementation of a movie recommendation system. In the process, you will get more experience with programming in Scala and working with RDDs.

Stream Processing With Spark

Spark Stream creates an abstraction over streams that process stream data almost identically to RDDs or DataFrames. The most common (easy to work with) stream format is Discretized Stream (DStream). Alternatively, you can convert your stream to Spark DataFrame and process it using SQL Operations. All the details of how to create a stream object, the list of transformations implemented for streams, ways to convert DStream to DataFrame are provided in the official programming guide. Read it through before beginning your work.

Automatic Gain Control

Automatic game control generally consists of a loop. It can be a feedback loop or feed forward loop. Components are always the same and include a detector, a comparator and a gain controller.


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