Fuzzy C Means Clustering
in Machine_learning / Machine Learning on Clustering
Clustering is one of the ways to construct information granules. Specifically, the sole goal of clustering is to discover a hidden structure in numerical data in the form of clusters – information granules. One of the most common algorithms, K-Means Clustering, presents information granules in the form of sets, with a strict membership boundary. An alternative algorithm, Fuzzy C Means Clustering, allows to describe information granules in the form of fuzzy set - a set that is defined with a membership function \(A(x)\) that assigns a numerical value from the interval [0,1] to every element \(x\).
Given the collection of n-dimensional data sets \(\{x_k\}, k=1,2,...,N\), the task is to determine a collection of clusters C that minimizes the objective \(Q = \sum_{i=1}^{ \vert C \vert } \sum_{k=1}^N u_{ik}^m \|x_k - v_c\|^2\)
where \(v_1, v_2, ..., v_{ \vert C \vert }\) are n-dimensional prototypes of the clusters and \(U=[u_{ik}]\) is a partition matrix that expresses the allocation of the data points to particular clusters. Alternatively, \(u_{ik}\) can be considered as a membership degree of a fuzzy set specified by the cluster \(i\). The fuzzification coefficient \(m >1.0\) expresses the impact of the membership grades on the individual clusters and produces certain geometry of the information granules. The partition matrix is subject to two constraints
- \[0 < \sum_{k=1}^N u_{ik} < N;\ i=1,2,..., \vert C \vert\]
- \[\sum_{i=1}^{ \vert C \vert } u_{ik} = 1;\ k=1,2,...,N\]
In the case of using euclidean distances, one can derive update equations for minimizing Q using Lagrange multipliers \(v_i = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^N u_{ik}^m x_k}{\sum_{k=1}^N u_{ik}^m} \\ u_{ik} = \frac{1}{ \sum_{j=1}^{ \vert C \vert } \left( \frac{\|x_k-v_i\|}{\|x_k - v_j\|} \right ) ^ {\frac{2}{m-1}} }\)
The updates are performed iteratively according to the algorithm
- Initialize U
- Update \(v_1, v_2, ... v_{ \vert C \vert }\)
- Update U
- If \(\underset{i,k}{max}\ \vert u_{ik}^{(t+1)} - u_{ik}^{(t)} \vert < \epsilon\), otherwise return to step 2
\(\epsilon\) is a termination criterion in the interval [0,1]. The increase of hyperparameter \(m\) encourages information granules to be more specific.